Promotion Details:
1. Sign-in Daily lets you receive weekly rewards by doing the daily check-in for seven days running. Reaching more than ₱1,888 in rewards will earn additional points that accumulate to 5,000 points each day. Users must perform the daily sign-in to access better future rewards.
2. Stay Consistent: If you miss a day, the challenge resets to Day 1. ign in every day without fail to complete the 7-day challenge.
3. Automatic Bonus: Rewards will be credited instantly to your account once all requirements are met.
4. Claim Your Rewards: Successfully complete 7 days of sign-ins to claim the corresponding rewards.

How to Claim Your Rewards:
Step 1: Sign in your information to your account and go to the “Member Center.”
Step 2: press the button on “Rewards Center.”
Step 3: Select the “SIGN-IN” option and enter to claim.
Step 4: Choose the 7-Day SIGN-IN Challenge.
Step 5: Select your day, claim your bonus, and enjoy!
Promotion Conditions:
1. Account Verification: Verify your mobile number and link your wallet to qualify.
2. Eligibility Requirements (Based on VIP Levels):
– VIP1 – VIP2: ₱100 deposit + 10 valid bets.
– VIP3 – VIP6: ₱300 deposit + 100 valid bets.
– VIP7 – VIP10: ₱500 deposit + 300 valid bets.
– Gold – Diamond: ₱1,000 deposit + 500 valid bets.
3. Turnover Requirement: 3x turnover is required to withdraw.
Terms and Conditions:
1. Every player has the right to maintain a single game account. Any account found with duplicate IP, bank information or contact numbers will become disqualified for the contest.
2. The promotion is open to new applicants while existing applicants are prohibited from reapplying.
3. All bonus benefits will be permanently stripped from users who abuse this promotional opportunity.
4. This promotion remains subject to modification and termination by the company at anytime.
5. General terms and conditions apply.
Sign in daily, stay consistent, and enjoy fantastic rewards!